Engaging with the online public

At the CRC, we care as much about being rooted in the concrete everyday world just as much as we care about academic rigour in our research. In addition to our field work through which we engage with the offline public, we also attempt to engage with the online reading public through various online platforms.

INSTAGRAM: @coastalresearchcircletvm

The CRC Group Blog

In addition to academic publications, the members of the CRC blog also share their informal thoughts through our blog.

The CRC YouTube Channel

Our YouTube channel is largely an archive of the various interactions we have had with the fisherfolk of Thiruvanthapuram during our field work.

The CRC Podcast

Hosted on Substack, our podcast features occasional long discussions, interviews or even long, rambling reflections that can't be fitted into the typical format of academic research.

The CRC-TVM Digital Ocean

The "Digital Ocean" is our name for our digital garden / online Zettelkasten, where we look for connections and allow insights to emerge.